Insights / Employee stories

Hubert Nafalski Chapter Lead & Site Manager

Hubert Nafalski, Chapter Lead & Site Manager, discusses his role at Controlant. He talks about how gratified he is in playing a role in ensuring that medicines and vaccines reach those who need them.

Hubert Nafalski, Chapter Lead & Site Manager at Controlant.

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What is your background and what is your role at Controlant

My name is Hubert Nafalski. I'm not originally from Wrocław, I'm from eastern part of Poland. I came here to study computer science. My role is chapter lead and I'm responsible for hiring people and making sure they have a proper project.

I arrange technical training and gather feedback for my team, so I would say I'm responsible for the growth of my team.

It is a big responsibility to make sure that drugs and medicines are safe for people and that can actually improve someone's health and life is like a really big thing. Not every company has an influence on that.

Video: The interview with Hubert Nafalski

How would you describe your day at Controlant?

As a manager, I'm supposed to solve problems. So for me, there is no routine. Every day is different. One day I solve a bunch of challenges then, another one comes along. And I like this. I like being helpful, I like helping others. Contralant is a very welcoming company.

What is the best thing about working at Controlant

People pay a lot of attention to me as a person. They ask questions, how am I doing, they want to learn about me as a person, what I am doing, what is my past work experience. It's not just a meeting, agenda, going point by point. We actually meet as people and talk. You feel the good atmosphere, you feel welcome. So, yeah, it's nice!