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The Aurora Platform at the heart of pharma supply chains

The promise of modern medicine to improve lives and cure more diseases than ever before can only be fulfilled when pharma supply chains provide on-time, safe, and sustainable delivery to patients wherever they may be. Digitalization is the key to unlocking the potential of supply chains to be a strategic enabler in today’s complex and ever-changing market and to achieve zero waste. Controlant’s validated, cloud-based Aurora Platform can be coupled with devices and services for a holistic solution framework designed to digitalize and automate pharma supply chains.

Interface on a laptop showing an in-depth information from the Controlant Supply Chain Management System.

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New levels of complexity 

With the unprecedented increase in the number of new drugs and vaccines on the market in recent years, insight into the supply chain and the ability to effectively manage distribution have never been more critical to patient safety and market access.  

Personalized medicine, cell-and-gene therapy, and other complex developments in modern pharmaceuticals add further layers of complexity, where time-to-market is just as vital. Safety stocks, product loss, wasted logistical efforts, and other issues can jeopardize patient safety and contribute to financial losses and a rising carbon footprint. 

Pressure tested 

The Covid-19 pandemic put pharma supply chains to the test and intensified the reevaluation of methods and tools for automated, validated real-time decision-making. The subsequent innovation of these methods and tools not only played a critical role in ensuring the availability of Covid-19 vaccines for people across the world, but also addressed many of the pre-existing complexities and inefficiencies of pharma supply chains.  

As pharma companies and their partners developed and employed new ways of working to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine, it became clear that digitalization and automation would be key to unlocking the potential of future pharma supply chains, enabling innovation and adding value.  

A powerful platform for real-time visibility and control 

On the journey to transform pharma supply chains, Controlant’s Aurora Platform builds on validated and GxP-compliant real-time data and automation that is effective and easy-to-integrate. With a platform that offers real-time visibility and automated decisions, enterprise pharma companies and logistics providers can reduce waste and increase speed, product quality, and patient safety.  

The Aurora Platform’s core applications gather and process all relevant data streams, turning product quality requirement data into real-time insight and automated actions. Additional applications offer opportunities to build more advanced solutions for different supply chain processes. These include expanded prediction and automation features – for instance, unlocking product-based shipments to reduce inspections, manual interventions, and lead times. 

A framework for success 

Controlant’s Aurora Platform is part of a holistic new solution framework that brings together cloud-based applications, services, and devices for real-time end-to-end visibility and control of pharma supply chains.  

When coupled with Saga IoT devices, the platform enables reliable reporting on product quality and safety, anytime and from anywhere.  

To help ensure successful implementation and adoption of the Aurora Platform, Controlant’s service teams are committed to ensuring the Aurora Platform quickly delivers value. Our services encompass implementation, operations, and customer success specialists who work directly with enterprise pharma and logistics providers. Our Monitoring and Response Service team (MARS) provides 24/7 services to monitor shipments and intervene on the customer’s behalf, safeguarding products during transit. Controlant also provides customized service to suggest process improvements, provide relevant analytics, and support day-to-day operations. 

Click here for more information about Controlant’s Aurora Platform